In collective buildings
In water / water geothermal heat pumps on well-water, exchangers are subject to clogging when water contains suspended solids. These suspended solids gradually clog the exchanger and reduce its efficiency; disassembly and cleaning are then necessary. To reduce maintenance, a good filtration is necessary.
Most commonly, 80 to 200 micron filtration is sufficient to protect the plates.
For some boreholes containing a large quantity of fine clays, a much finer filtration (6 microns) slows down the formation of deposits on the plates.
Suitable equipment


Gamon chauffage / La Cerisaie clinic, Tain l’Hermitage (26)
Plate heat exchanger protection for a groundwater heat pump. Lightly contaminated water not requiring an automatic system. Hydrocyclone HNC 80.
Resurgence / Ikea, Venissieux (69)
Air-conditioning system for the shop using a heat pump. At full flow (210 m3/h), the previous filters (cyclone and sieve) clogged up in a few hours, due to the presence of sand. Replaced by a 60 µm AG400.
Hervé Thermique / Hautes Pyrénées Departmental Council, Tarbes (65)
Hôtel du département: protection of plate heat exchangers on a groundwater heat pump. AS300 DN100 in 200 µm.
Regmatherm, Strasbourg (67)
PAPS-PCPI building: 13,000 m² training centre. Protection of the heat pump exchanger on borehole water. AS300 DN150 200 µm filter.
Demathieu Bard Construction / Consulate of Turkey, Strasbourg (France).
Plate exchanger protection filters on a groundwater water / water heat pump heating system. 1st building: 20 m³/h flow rate, 80 μm filtration (AS200 filter), 2nd building: 160 m³/h flow rate, 80 μm filtration (AS400 DN200).
Tempéria Normandie / Immeuble Matmut La Filature, Rouen (76)
Geothermal system on open network. 2 pumping 30 and 45 m³/h before exchangers and discharge wells. AS200 low pressure filters.
Engie Axima / Romanité museum, Nîmes (France)
The heat pump system is protected by 2 filters AG200 3’’, filtration 200 microns.